Author Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Eberhard, A.
- Ebert, S.
- Edwards, M.
- Egli, M.
- Eigenraam. M.
- Elliott, A.H.
- Ellis, N.
- Erechtchoukova, M.G.
- Erickson III, D.J.
- Eriksson, L.O.
- Eronen, M.
- Espagnol, S.
- Etchells, T.M.
- Evans, G.E.
- Everingham, Y.L.
- Ewert, F.
- Faddy, M.J.
- Fadel, J.G.
- Fagan, J.E.
- Faithful, J.
- Fang, V.
- Fantke, P.
- Faust, H.
- Faverdin, P.
- Feikema, P.M.
- Predicting the impacts of
plantations on catchment water balances using
the 3PG forest growth model
Feikema, P.M. , C.R. Beverly, J.D. Morris, J.J. Collopy , T.G. Baker & P.N.J. Lane - Physically-Based
Prediction of Water Yield from Disturbed Forested
Water Supply Catchments
Lane, P.N.J., Feikema, P.M., Sherwin, C.B., Peel, M.C. & Freebairn, A.
- Predicting the impacts of
plantations on catchment water balances using
the 3PG forest growth model
- Fenollar, J.
- Fenton, T.
- Ferguson, C.M.
- Fernandes, M.
- Fernando, A.K.
- Fernando, T.M.K.G.
- Ferronato, M.
- Field, J.B.
- Finardi, S.
- Fink, J.
- Fink, M.
- Component Based
Environmental Modelling Using the JAMS
Kralisch, S., Krause, P., Fink, M., Fischer, C. & Flügel, W.-A. - Supporting natural
resources management in Tasmania through spatially
distributed solute modelling with JAMS/J2000-S
Bende-Michl, U., Kemnitz, D., Helmschrot, J., Krause, P., Cresswell, H., Kralisch, S., Fink, M. & Flügel, W.-A.
- Component Based
Environmental Modelling Using the JAMS
- Fischer, C
- Fitch, P.
- Fleisher, D.H.
- Flügel, W.-A.
- Component Based
Environmental Modelling Using the JAMS
Kralisch, S., Krause, P., Fink, M., Fischer, C. & Flügel, W.-A. - Analysis of climate
change trend and possible impacts in the
Upper Brahmaputra River Basin – The BRAHMATWINN Project
Bongartz, K., Flügel, W.-A., Pechstädt, J., Jiangchu, X. & Yao, T. - Supporting natural
resources management in Tasmania through spatially
distributed solute modelling with JAMS/J2000-S
Bende-Michl, U., Kemnitz, D., Helmschrot, J., Krause, P., Cresswell, H., Kralisch, S., Fink, M. & Flügel, W.-A. - Development of a
Validation Tool for Regional Distributed
Models using Coarse Scale Soil Moisture Products, Case study: Great
Letaba River, South Africa
Scheffler, C., Krause, P., Flügel, W.-A. & Bongartz, K.
- Component Based
Environmental Modelling Using the JAMS
- Foote, J.
- Forsell, N.
- Fox, J.C.
- Františ, P.
- Freebairn, A.
- Freebairn, A.C.
- Freebairn, D.
- Friedrich, R.
- Frost, A, J.
- Fu, B.
- Fu, T.Y.
- Fujii, A.
- Fukiharu, T.
- Fukuda, K.
- Fukushige, M.
- Fulton, E.
- Gailis, R.M.
- Chemical, Biological and
Radiological Hazard
Assessment: A New Model of a Plume in a Complex Urban
Skvortsov, A.T., Dawson, P.D., Roberts, M.D. & Gailis, R.M. - Epidemic Modelling:
Validation of Agent-based Simulation by
Using Simple Mathematical Models
Skvortsov, A.T., Connell, R.B., Dawson, P.D. & Gailis, R.M.
- Chemical, Biological and
Radiological Hazard
Assessment: A New Model of a Plume in a Complex Urban
- Gallant, J.
- Gallant, J.C.
- Gambolati, G.
- Gan, C.
- Garcia, F.
- Toward a Simulation Modeling Platform for Studying Cropping Systems Management: The Record Project
Chabrier, P., Garcia, F., Martin-Clouaire, R., Quesnel, G. & Raynal, H. - A Graph-based Markov Decision Process approach
for managing
forests under risk of wind damage
Forsell, N., Wikström, P., Garcia, F., Sabbadin, R., Blennow, K. & Eriksson, L.O.
- Toward a Simulation Modeling Platform for Studying Cropping Systems Management: The Record Project
- Gardiner, G.
- Gaur, A.
- Gay, D.
- Gazzani, F.
- George, B.
- Gibbons, P.
- Gibson, J.
- Giles, D.E.
- Gilfedder, M.
- Gilpin, B.
- Goldman, B.
- Goldsmith, M.
- Gomez, C.
- The National Airborne Field Experiment Data Sets
Walker, J.P., Balling, J., Bell, M., Berg, A., Berger, M., Biasoni, D., Botha, E., Boulet, G., Chen, Y., Christen, E., de Jeu, R., deRosnay, P., Dever, C., Draper, C., Fenollar, J., Gomez, C., Grant, J.P., Hacker, J., Hafeez, M., Hancock, G., Hansen, D., Holz, L., Hornbuckle, J., Hurkmans, R., Jackson, T., Johanson, J., Jones, P., Jones, S., Kalma, J., Kerr, Y., Kim, E., Kuzmin, V., Lakshmi, V., Lopez, E., Maggioni, V.,Maisongrande, P., Martinez, C., McKee, L., Merlin, O., Mladenova, I., O'Neill, P., Panciera, R., Paruscio, V., Pipunic, R., Rawls, W.,Rinaldi, M., Rüdiger, C., Saco, P., Saleh, K., Savstrup-Kristensen, S., Shoemark, V., Skou, N., Soebjaerg, S., Summerell, G., Teuling, A,J., Thompson, H., Thyer, M., Toyra, J., Tsang, A., Wells, T., Wursteisen, P. & Young, R.
- The National Airborne Field Experiment Data Sets
- Gómez, C.M
- Gonella, M.
- Good, J.M.
- Gorddard, R.
- Gouweleeuw, B.T.
- Grace, R.C.
- Grant, J.P.
- Green, C.H.
- Green, D.
- Green, M.O.
- Green, S.R.
- Greene, R.S.B.
- Gregory,W.
- Gribble, N. A.
- Grigg, N.
- Groot, J.C.J.
- Gu, S.
- Guerrin, F.
- Guo, X.
- Güttler, R.