Author Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Lal, P.
- Lall, U.
Lane, L.l
- Hydrologic Model Performance Evaluation Applying the Entropy Concept as a Function of Precipitation Network Density
M. Hernandez, L.J. Lane, J.J. Stone, J. Guillermo Martinez and M. Kidwell - Dominant Processes Controlling Sediment Yield as Functions of Watershed
Scale 362
L.I. Lane, M. Hernandez and M. Nichols
- Hydrologic Model Performance Evaluation Applying the Entropy Concept as a Function of Precipitation Network Density
- Laniado, E.
- Latham, S.
- Lau, L.
- Lawrence, N.
- Lebel, L.
- Lee, C.S.
- Lee, J.H.W.
- Lee, T.
- Lee, Y.-H.
- Leh,C.M.U.
Leong, K.
- Testing the Long-Run Neutrality Hypothesis Using Intra-year Data
K. Leong and M. McAleer - Testing the Life-Cycle Permanent Income Hypothesis Using Intra-Year Data for Germany
K. Leong - Testing the Neutrality of Money in Japan Using ARIMA Models and Cointegration Analysis
K. Leong, M. McAleer and A. Maki - Monthly Variations in Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted International Tourism to Australia
C Lim and M. McAleer
- Testing the Long-Run Neutrality Hypothesis Using Intra-year Data
- Leslie, L.M.
- Li, A
- Li, C.-H.
- Li, L.
- Li, Y.
- Liedl, R.
- Lif, G.-R.
- Lim,C.
- Lim, L.K.
- Lim,S.
- Lim, S.S.L.
- Lin, Y.-X.
- Lindenmayer, D.B.
- Liu, F.
- Liu, M.
Lo, H.W.C.
- Lochhead, G.
- Loomes, G.
- Los,C.A.
- Lowes, D.
- Lu, W.
- Ludwig, J.A.
- Luk, K.C.
- Luo,X.
- Lux, T.
- Lyne, V
- Lyons, W.F.
- Mackey,B.
- Mackey, B.G.
- MacRitchie, F.
- Maekawa, K.
- Maier,H.R.
- Maki,A
- Maki, T.
Malafant, K.W.J.
- Development of a Simplified Unsaturated Module for Inclusion in the US Geological Survey Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow Model MODFLOW
C.R. Beverly, R.J. Nathan, K. WI. Malafant and D.P. Fordham - The Murray-Darling Basin Irrigation Futures Framework (IFF?)
D.P. Fordham and K. W.J. Malafant - Integration Frameworks in Multiple and Sequential Land Use Evaluation
K. W.l. Malafant, D.P. Fordham and S.M. Davey
- Development of a Simplified Unsaturated Module for Inclusion in the US Geological Survey Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow Model MODFLOW
- Mallarawaarachchi, T.
- Mamane, Y.
- Man,Z.
- Marshall, S.
- Mather, D.
- Mathes, D.T.
- Mayer, D.G.
- Maywald, G.F.
McAleer, M.
- Testing the Long-Run Neutrality Hypothesis Using Intra-year Data
K. Leong and M. McAleer - Efficient Estimation and Testing of Alternative Models of Currency Futures Contracts
J.M. Sequeira. M. McAleer and Y.-F. Chow - Testing the Neutrality of Money in Japan Using ARIMA Models and Cointegration Analysis
K. Leong, M. McAleer and A. Maki - Asymptotic Properties of the Estimated Long-Run MPC in a Dynamic Model with an Integrated Regressor
K. Maekawa, M. McAleer and Z. He - Generated Variables in Finance: Specification, Estimation and Inference
C.R. McKenzie and M. McAleer - Sizes and Powers of Tests for Models with Sample Selection Biases - A Monte
Carlo Comparison
K. Nawata and M. McAleer - Estimation of Risk Premium and Cost-of-Carry Models for Currency Futures Contracts
J.M. Sequeira, M. McAleer and Y.-F. Chow - A Market-Augmented Model for SIMEX Brent Crude Oil Futures Contracts
J.M. Sequeira and M. McAleer - SAM: A Computer Program for Statistical Analysis and Modelling
I. Bai, A.I. Jakeman, M. McAleer and I.A. Taylor
- Testing the Long-Run Neutrality Hypothesis Using Intra-year Data
- McCabe, M.
- McDonald, D.
- McGarvey, R.
- McKelvey, R.
- McKenzie, C.R.
- McKeon, G.
McKeon, G.M.
- Integrating Global Change Impacts on Native Pastures in the Burnett Region of Queensland
S.M. Howden, G.M. McKeon, L. Walker, J.D. Carter, J.P. Conroy, K.A. Day, W.B. Hall, A.J. Ash and O. Ghannoum - A Method to Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Sheep Grazed Rangelands in South West Queensland
J.L. Moore, S.M. Howden, G.M. McKeon, J.D. Carter and J.C. Scanlan - Global Change Impacts on Wheat Cropping in the Burnett Region of Queensland: A Simulation Approach
P.l. Reyenga, S.M. Howden, H. Meinke and G.M. McKeon
- Integrating Global Change Impacts on Native Pastures in the Burnett Region of Queensland
- McLeod, R.
- McMahon, T.
- McNulty, -S.
- McPhee, M.J.
- Meats, A.
- Mei, F.
- Meinke,H.
- Melo, E.
- Menz,K.
- Merrick, N.P.
- Michael,K.
- Michl, C.
- Mieth, P.
- Mikolajewicz, U.
- Miyahara, S.
- Miyoshi,I.
- Moffat, I.
- Moffatt, P.G.
- Mohri, K.
- Molson, J.W.
- Monypenny, R.
- Moon, S.-W.
- Moore, A.D.
- Moore, J.L.
- Morad,M.
- Morel, D.
- Morell, M.K.
- Morgan, D.
- Mori, H.
- Morimune, K.
- Morris,J.
- Mullan, A.B.
- Mummery,D.
- Munro, R.K.
- Muratori, S.
- Murray, A.
- Murray, A.G.
- Mwanuzi, F.