Author Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Hall, A.D.
- Hall, W.
- Hall, W.B.
- Hamilton, D.
- Hamilton, F.
- Hamilton, N.T.M.
- Hardin, J.M.
- Harland, D.
- Harrison, R.G.
- Harrison, S.
- Haywood, M.D.E.
- He, Z.
- Hean, R
- Herbert, J.M.
- Herbert, RD.
Hernandez, M.
- Hydrologic Model Performance Evaluation Applying the Entropy Concept as a Function of Precipitation Network Density
M. Hernandez, L.J. Lane, J.J. Stone, J. Guillermo Martinez and M. Kidwell - Dominant Processes Controlling Sediment Yield as Functions of Watershed
Scale 362
L.I. Lane, M. Hernandez and M. Nichols
- Hydrologic Model Performance Evaluation Applying the Entropy Concept as a Function of Precipitation Network Density
- Herrero, M.
- Herzfeld, M.
- Hester, S.
- Hibiya, Y.
- Hill, M.J.
- Hird, L.D.
- Honda, N.
- Honjo, Y.
- Hood, L.N.
- Howden, P.
Howden, S.M.
- Integrating Global Change Impacts on Native Pastures in the Burnett Region of Queensland
S.M. Howden, G.M. McKeon, L. Walker, J.D. Carter, J.P. Conroy, K.A. Day, W.B. Hall, A.J. Ash and O. Ghannoum - A Method to Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Sheep Grazed Rangelands in South West Queensland
J.L. Moore, S.M. Howden, G.M. McKeon, J.D. Carter and J.C. Scanlan - Global Change Impacts on Wheat Cropping in the Burnett Region of Queensland: A Simulation Approach
P.l. Reyenga, S.M. Howden, H. Meinke and G.M. McKeon - Modelling Heat Stress and Water Loss of Beef Cattle in Subtropical Queensland Under Current Climates and Climate Change
S.M. Howden and I. Turnpenny
- Integrating Global Change Impacts on Native Pastures in the Burnett Region of Queensland
- Hoyles, P.J.
- Hughes, J.P.
- Humo,E.A.
- Hunter, L.J.
- Hutchinson, M.P.
- Huth, N.L.
- Ishikawa, M.
- Islam, M.A
- Isobe, S.
- Itakura, N.
- Itami, R.M.
- Iwama, T.
- Jackson, D.
- Jacob, F.
Jakeman, A.J.
- Development of a Simple, Catchment-Scale, Rainfall-Evapotranspiration-Runoff Model
J.P. Evans and A.J. Jakeman - Erosional History of Selected Upland Subcatchments in the Liverpool Plains, New South Wales
S.G. Beavis, A.J. Jakeman, L. Zhang and S.D. Gray - Impacts and Implications of Farm Dams on Catchment Hydrology: Methods and Application to Chafrey Catchment
S. G. Beavis, L. Zhang, J.P. Evans, AJ. Jakeman and D.l. Smith - A Streamtlow Forccasting Algorithm and Results for the Upper Murray Basin
P.C. Young, S.Y. Schreider and A.J. Jakeman - A Model for Stream Sediment Transport with Application to Murray and Murrumbidgee River Reaches
CR. Dietrich and A.J. Jakeman - Observed Stream-Bank Movement in Relation to Simulated In-stream Suspended Sediment Transport
T.R. Green, S.G. Beavis, CR. Dietrich and A.J. Jakeman - A Modelling Framework for Erosion, Sediment and Nutrient Transport from Catchment to Basin Scale
A.J.Jakeman, T.R. Green, CR. Dietrich, I. Zhang, S.G. Beavis and P.F. Cropper - Biophysical Component of an Integrated Water Resources Assessment Project in the Upper Chao Phraya Headwaters, Northern Thailand
A.J Jakeman, C. Saowapon, A. lintrawet, K. Trisophon, l. Evans and F. Wong - A Decision Support System for Integrated Water Resources Assessment and Management: A Case Study of the Upper Chao Phraya Headwaters, Northern Thailand
B. Mackey, K. Trisophon, M. Ekasingh, S. Sangawongse, F. Wong and A.J. Jakeman - Urban Flooding - Greenhouse Climate Modelling, Flood Hydrology and Damages
DJ Smith, S.f. Schreider and A.J Jakeman - SAM: A Computer Program for Statistical Analysis and Modelling
I. Bai, A.J. Jakeman, M. McAleer and I.A. Taylor - Precipitation-Runoff Model Calibration on a Sub-daily Time Step in the Upper Murray Basin
S.Y. Schreider, A.J. Jakeman and P.C. Young - A Streamtlow Forccasting Algorithm and Results for the Upper Murray Basin
P.e. Young, S.Y. Schreider and A.J. Jakeman
- Development of a Simple, Catchment-Scale, Rainfall-Evapotranspiration-Runoff Model
- Jayatilaka, S.
- Jefferson, C.
- Jellett, P.M.
- Jintrawet, A
- Johnson, G.M.
- Johnson, G.T.
- Johnston, RD.
- Johnston, P.R.
- Jolly, LD.
Jones, J.A
- Improving Predictions of Daily Hydrologic Response for Ungauged Catchments by Incorporating Water Yield Predictions on an Inter-Annual Timestep
D.A Post, J.A Jones and G.E. Grant
- Improving Predictions of Daily Hydrologic Response for Ungauged Catchments by Incorporating Water Yield Predictions on an Inter-Annual Timestep
- Joseph, J.H.
- Jupp, D.L.R.
- Kacimov, AR
Kalma, J.D.
- Impact of Spatial Variability in Land Surface Characteristics on Regional-Scale Evapotranspiration and Runoff
G. Boulet and J.D. Kalrna - Relating Biomass and Land Surface Reflectance to Primary Terrain Attributes in a Small Catchment
G.A. Cusack, M.P. Hutchinson and J.D. Kalma - The Development of a Terrain-Based Erosion Hazard Map for the Williams River Catchment in Eastern New South Wales
A.K. Krause, M. McCabe and J.D. Kalma
- Impact of Spatial Variability in Land Surface Characteristics on Regional-Scale Evapotranspiration and Runoff
- Kaufmann, RK.
- Kawashima, S.
- Keating, B.A
- Keller, M.A
- Kelly, A
- Kenny,G.J.
- Kentwell, D.
- Kidwell, M.
- Kilpatrick, D.
- Kim, K.
- Kirilenko, AP.
- Kishi, M.J.
- Kortekass, H.Y.P.
- Kozan, E.
- Krause, AK.
- Krawulski, T.
- Kremmer, M.L.
- Krishnamurthy, R.
- Kulasiri, D.
- Kulasiri, G.D.
- Kyani, A.R.