Papers Listed by Session
- Climatic Change and Variability
- Coupling a Regional Precipitation Runoff Model to Global and Regional Climate Models
Z. Fan and R.J. Oglesby - MOVE - Transient Model of Vegetation Migration due to Climate Change
A.P. Kirilenko and A.M. Solomon - Improving Climate Model Representations of Snow Hydrology
S. Marshall and R.J. Oglesby - The Climatic Effects of Biomass Burning: Investigations with a Global Climate Model
R.J. Oglesby, S. Marshall and J.A. Taylor - Decadal Variability in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current of a Stochastically Forced Ocean General Circulation Model
R. Weisse, U. Mikolajewicz, A Sterl and S. Drijfhout - Spatial Modelling of New Zealand Climate Variations
W. Ye, A.B. Mullan, G.J. Kenny, G.C. Sims and R.A. Warrick
- Coupling a Regional Precipitation Runoff Model to Global and Regional Climate Models
- Earth System Sciences
- A Structural Time Series Temperature Reconstruction in Dendroclimatology
K. Allen, R. Francey, K. Michael and M. Nunez
- Linear System Model of Water Flow and Oxygen - 18 Transport on a Steep Hillslop
V. J. Bidwell and M.K. Stewart - Fractal Dimensions for Rainfall Time Series
M. C. Breslin and I.A. Belward - Quasi-geostrophic Modelling of the Coupled Ocean Atmosphere
J.A.T. Bye and J.-O. Wolff - Sensitivity Analysis of the IMAGE Greenhouse Model
F. Campolongo and R. Braddock - Hydrologic Model Performance Evaluation Applying the Entropy Concept as a Function of Precipitation Network Density
M. Hernandez, L.J. Lane, J.J. Stone, J. Guillermo Martinez and M. Kidwell - Modelling the Instantaneous Spatial Variability of Rainfall
KC. Luk and J.E. Ball - An Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Rainfall Forecasting
K C. Luk, J.E. Ball and A. Sharma
- Thermonuclear 'Bomb' 14C and its use in Modelling Soil C Dynamics - An Assessment of a Simple Soil C Turnover Model
A. Parshotam and K Tate - An Analysis of Long-Tenn Rainfall Variability at Selected Locations in Sri Lanka
T.S. G. Peiris and D. T. Mathes - Geometric and Spectral Corrections to Multiple Solar Zenith Angle Satellite Data, Tasmania, Australia
M. Russell and M. Nunez - Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS to Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Detection in the Chiang Mai Area Northern Thailand: A Case Study from the Doi Saket District
S. Sangawongse and J. Peterson - A Nonparametric Approach for Daily Rainfall Simulation
A. Sharma and U. Lall - A New Linearized Equation of Random Wave Forces
J.-B. Song, Y.-H. Wu - Modelling the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Eddy-Dynamics and their Parameterization
J.-O. Wolff
- A Structural Time Series Temperature Reconstruction in Dendroclimatology
- Global Impacts on Agricultural Systems
- Integrating Global Change Impacts on Native Pastures in the Burnett Region of Queensland
S.M. Howden, G.M. McKeon, L. Walker, J.D. Carter, J.P. Conroy, K.A. Day, W.B. Hall, A.J. Ash and O. Ghannoum
- Integrating Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Tropical Landscapes of Southeast Asia: Proposal for a Network of Landscape Modelling Case-Studies
L. Lebel - A Method to Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Sheep Grazed Rangelands in South West Queensland
J.L. Moore, S.M. Howden, G.M. McKeon, J.D. Carter and J.C. Scanlan - Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Changes in Crop Yield Series in the Regions of Mid-Latitude Agriculture
M. V. Nikolaev - Global Change Impacts on Wheat Cropping in the Burnett Region of Queensland: A Simulation Approach
P.l. Reyenga, S.M. Howden, H. Meinke and G.M. McKeon - The Impact of Climate Change on the Cost of Insect Related Dieback of Rural Woodlands
R. W. Sutherst, J. Mo, S. Harrison, A. Smith, R.B. Floyd and R. Wylie
- Integrating Global Change Impacts on Native Pastures in the Burnett Region of Queensland
- Numerical Modelling of Atmospheric Boundary Layers and Turbulence
- Long-range Dependence and Singulmity of Two-Dimensional Turbulence
V. Anh, J.M. Angulo, M.D. Ruiz-Medina and Q. Tieng
- A Numerical Simulation of a Two-Phase Flow
L. Chen and Y. Li - A Three Dimensional Numerical Model of the Flow over a Complex Terrain with Height Variation less than 100m
M. Du, P. Wu, T. Maki and S. Kawashima - Large Eddy Simulation: A Modellers Perspective
M. Fitzmaurice and Y. Shao - A Simulation Model for Thermal Climate in City Canyons
J.M. Herbert, G.T Johnson and A.J. Arnfield - A 3-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Salt-Fingering Convection
H. Nagashima, J. Yoshida, and I. Nagahama - Stratified Flow Past an Ideal Topography
W Sha - Modelling Particle Entrainment and Particle-Flow Interaction in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
Y. Shao and A. Li
- Long-range Dependence and Singulmity of Two-Dimensional Turbulence
- Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
- Stochastic Downscaling of Numerical Climate Model Simulations
B.C. Bates, S.P. Charles and J.P. Hughes
- Impact of Spatial Variability in Land Surface Characteristics on Regional-Scale Evapotranspiration and Runoff
G. Boulet and J.D. Kalrna - On the Simulation of Surface-Plant-Air Interactions inside Urban Environments
M. Bruse and H. Fleer - Development of a Simple, Catchment-Scale, Rainfall-Evapotranspiration-Runoff Model
J.P. Evans and A.J. Jakeman - Synthetic Map of Crop Leaf Area Index Dynamics Estimated with Satellite Data
R. Faivre and R. Delecolle - Land Use Change in the Alps and its Effect on CO2 and Water Exchange Between a Composite Ecosystem and the Atmosphere
WK. Graber, R. T.W Siegwolf and M. Furger - Directional Radiance and Emissivity Measurement Models for Remote Sensing of the Surface Energy Balance
D.L.B .Jupp - Modelling Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions over the Australian Continent with an Emphasis on the Role of Soil Moisture
R.K. Munro, W.F. Lyons, Y. Shao, M.S. Wood, L.M. Hood and L.M. Leslie
- Temporal and Spatial Relationships between Rainfall, Runoff, Land-use and Climatic Variability in the Bogan River Drainage System
M. Nakken - Improving Predictions of Daily Hydrologic Response for Ungauged Catchments by Incorporating Water Yield Predictions on an Inter-Annual Timestep
D.A Post, J.A Jones and G.E. Grant - Long Wave Radiation Regime in Vegetation-Parameterisations for Climate
E. Rotenberg, Y. Mamane and J.H. Joseph - Surface Energy Fluxes on Different Scales
Y. Shao, R.K. Munro
- Stochastic Downscaling of Numerical Climate Model Simulations
- Process Interactions in the Natural Environment
- Erosional History of Selected Upland Subcatchments in the Liverpool Plains, New South Wales
S.G. Beavis, A.J. Jakeman, L. Zhang and S.D. Gray
- Impacts and Implications of Farm Dams on Catchment Hydrology: Methods and Application to Chafrey Catchment
S. G. Beavis, L. Zhang, J.P. Evans, AI. lakeman and D.l. Smith - Development of a Simplified Unsaturated Module for Inclusion in the US Geological Survey Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow Model MODFLOW
C.R. Beverly, R.J. Nathan, K. WI. Malafant and D.P. Fordham - A Comparison of Algorithms for Streamflow Recession and Baseflow Separation
T. Chapman [MSSA Natural Systems Medallist] - Climate and Hydrology in the Namoi Catchment
P.F. Crapper, S.G. Beavis and L. Zhang - How to Divide a Catchment to Conquer its Parallel Processing: An Efficient Algorithm for the Partitioning of Water Catchments
O. David and M. Grubsch - The Sensitivity of a Catchment Model to Soil Hydraulic Properties Obtained by Using Different Measurement Techniques
S.H. Davis, R.A. Vertessy and R. Silberstein - Model Building: Process and Practicality
W.R. Dawes, G.R. Walker and M. Stauffacher
- Integrated Hydrogeological Model Development for the Wakool Irrigation District
C Demetriou and J.F. Punthakey - A Model for Stream Sediment Transport with Application to Murray and Murrumbidgee River Reaches
CR. Dietrich and A.J. Jakeman - The Utility of Multi-Objective Conditioning of a Distributed Hydrological Model Using Uncertain Estimates of Saturated Areas
S. W. Franks, K.J. Beven, NA. Chappell and P. Gineste - Dissolved Oxygen Stratification Modelling of Small Shallow Aquaculture Ponds
J. Gao and NP. Merrick - Observed Stream-Bank Movement in Relation to Simulated In-stream Suspended Sediment Transport
T.R. Green, S.G. Beavis, CR. Dietrich and A.J. Jakeman - A Modelling Framework for Erosion, Sediment and Nutrient Transport from Catchment to Basin Scale
A.J.Jakeman, T.R. Green, CR. Dietrich, I. Zhang, S.G. Beavis and P.F. Cropper - Dominant Processes Controlling Sediment Yield as Functions of Watershed
Scale 362
L.I. Lane, M. Hernandez and M. Nichols
- Thermal Stratification Modelling of Small Shallow Aquaculture Ponds
NP. Merrick and J. Gao - Spatial and Temporal Heavy Metal Distribution Model Under Estuarine Mixing
F. Mwanuzi and F. De Smedt - Modelling the Effects of Soil Moisture and Solute Conditions on Growth and Tree Water Use
R.P. Silberstein, R.A. Vertessy and J. Morris - Numerical Simulation of Wetland Hydrodynamics
N.L.G. Somes, W. Bishop and T.H.F. Wong - Modelling Sediment Loads in the Swan/Avon River Basin
N.R. Viney and M. Sivapalan - Large Scale, Long Term, Physically Based Prediction of Water Yield in Forested Catchments
F.G.R. Watson, R.A. Vertessy and R.B. Grayson - The Tarrawarra Project: High Resolution Spatial Measurement and Analysis of Hydrological Response
A. Western, R. Grayson, G. Bloschl, G. Willgoose and T. McMahon
- Hydrological Modelling of the Tarrawarra Catchment: Use of Soil Moisture Patterns
A. W. Western, T.R. Green, and R.B. Grayson - Modelling River and Floodplain Interactions for Ecological Response
P.A. Whigham, W.J. Young and A.C. Scott - A Simulation Model for Investigating the Effects of Rice Paddy Fields on Runoff System
R.-S. Wu, W.-R. Sue and J.-S. Chang - Development of a Spatial Database for Large Scale Catchment Management: Geology, Soils and Landuse in the Namoi Basin, Australia
L. Zhang, S. G. Beavis and S.D. Gray
- Erosional History of Selected Upland Subcatchments in the Liverpool Plains, New South Wales
- Terrain-Driven Environmental Models
- Analysis of the Effective Spatial Scale of Neighbourhoods with Respect to Fire Regimes in Topographically Complex Landscapes
G.J. Cary
- The Effect of Landuse Changes on River Resources of the Kaimai Hydropower Catchment, New Zealand
S. Choudhry and W.E. Bardsley - A New Method of Building Digital Elevation Model for Hydrologic Modelling
S Choudhry, M. Morad and W.E. Bardsley - Relating Biomass and Land Surface Reflectance to Primary Terrain Attributes in a Small Catchment
G.A. Cusack, M.P. Hutchinson and J.D. Kalma - Modelling Solar Radiation in the Forests of Southeastern Australia
J. Gallant - The Development of a Terrain-Based Erosion Hazard Map for the Williams River Catchment in Eastern New South Wales
A.K. Krause, M. McCabe and J.D. Kalma - An Application of Terrain and Environmental Modelling in a Large Scale Forestry Experiment
D. Mummery. M. Battaglia, C.L. Beadle, C.R.A. Turnbull and R. McLeod - H2U: A Transfer Function Model Using Fractal Characteristics of the Hydrographic Network
I.G. Sumarjo, J. Duchesne and P. Perez
- Analysis of the Effective Spatial Scale of Neighbourhoods with Respect to Fire Regimes in Topographically Complex Landscapes
- Applying Systems Thinking to Environmental Models
- The AGROSYS Relational Database: An InfOlmation System for Agricultural Decision Support Systems
C.P. Caldeira and P.A. Pinto
- A Water Quality Modelling Tutorial Using SIMULINK
M. Chadwick, M.J. Boyd and B. Cathers - Nuclear Survival Modelling Using a Menu-Driven Computer Program
P. Howden - The Approaches, Issues and Outcomes of Regional Studies of the Savannas of Northern Australia
R. Monypenny - Benefits and Impacts of Tourism: A Systems Thinking Approach
P.A. Walker, R. Greiner, D. McDonald and V. Lyne
- The AGROSYS Relational Database: An InfOlmation System for Agricultural Decision Support Systems
- Mathematical Modelling in Food Technology
- Modelling thc Extension Testing of Wheat Flour Dough
B. Anderssen and S. Seo
- Modelling the Mixing of Wheat Flour Dough
P. Gras, F. MacRitchie and B. Anderssen - Simulation of Starch Degrading and Branching Reactions
S. Latham and M.K. Morell - Modelling Extrusion Cooking
C.-H.Li - Molecular Modelling and Simulation of Deoxyribonucleic Acids
F. Zhang and M.A. Collins
- Modelling thc Extension Testing of Wheat Flour Dough
- Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Modelling
- Wattle - A Water Balance Calculator for Dryland Salinity Management
R.M. Argent and R.J. George
- Simulation of Perched Watertables in a Duplex Soil
S. Asseng, B.A. Keating, N.I. Huth and J. Eastham - State-Space Mixing Cell Model of Unsteady Solute Transport in Unsaturated Soil
V.J. Bidwell - Integrating GIS and RDBMS Technologies During Construction of a Regional Groundwater Model
R.S. Brodie - Solute and Water Movement in Inigation Bays: A Predictive Management Model
L.D. Connell, M. Gilfedder, S. Jayatilaka, M. Bailey and J.-P. Vandervaere - Salt Water Intrusion into Freshwater Aquifers: A 3D Modelling and a Parallel Algorithm
J.M. Crolet and F. Jacob - Modelling Coupled Reactive Transport of PAH and Surfactants
M. Finkel, R. Liedl and G. Teutsch
- Integrated Process Studies to Simulate Hillslope Hydrology and Intert10w Dynamics Using the HILLS Model
W-A. Flugel, T. Krawulski and R. Smith - An Optimal Model for Unsaturated Seepage
N. Fujii and A.R. Kacimov - Three Dimensional Simulation of the Home Island Freshwater Lens: Preliminary Results
F. Ghassemi, J.W Molson, A. Falkland and K. Alam - FEM Quasi-3D Modelling of Responses to Artificial Recharge in a Multiaquifer System
P.H. Giao, N. Phiem-wej and Y. Honjo - Centrifuge Modelling Criterion for Solute Transport in Partially Saturated Flow
J. W. Griffioen and D.A. Barry - The Impact of Flooding on Modelling Salt Transport Processes to Streams
J.D. Jolly, K.A. Narayan, D. Armstrong and G.R. Walker
- Simulation of Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifers Using Stochastic Pmtial Differential Equations
D. Kulasiri - Parallel Simulated Annealing Using CILK Language: Applications in Estimating Transport Parameters for Groundwater Contaminants
L. Li, D. A. Barry and 1. Morris - A Reactive Multi-Component Transport Model for Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons
H. Prommer, D.A. Barry and G.B. Davis - An Estimating Model of Soil Erosion Rate Using I37C, in Soil Profile for Uncultivated Soil
H. Yang, Q. Chang and M. Du - Efficient Aquifer Remediation Using Evolutionary Processes for Decision Making
M.F. Yeo, E.O. Agyei and D. Armstrong - Aquifer Parameter Identification Using Evolutionary Processes
M.F. Yeo, E.O. Agyei and D. Armstrong
- Wattle - A Water Balance Calculator for Dryland Salinity Management
- Integrating Environmental Models for Decision Making
- The Murray-Darling Basin Irrigation Futures Framework (IFF?)
D.P. Fordham and K. W.J. Malafant
- Combining Simulation and Optimisation Models for Catchment Management Analysis
R. Greiner - A Web Accessible Environmental Model Base: A Tool for Natural Resources Management
G. Guariso, E. Tracanelia, L. Piroddi and A.E. Rizzoli - A Computational Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics Model of the Swan River, Western Australia
M. Herzfeld and D. Hamilton - Coupling Spatial Models at Varying Space and Time Scales - Global Information for Regional Benefit
L. Lau, I.A. Be/ward, K. Brook, G. McKeon and R.A. Young - Integrating Environmental Models for Nutrient Movement Analysis and Visualisation Within Multi-use Catchments
G. Lochhead, K. Burrage and G. Titmarsh - A Framework for Modelling Multiple Resource Management Issues - An Open Modelling Approach
M. Reed, S.M. Cuddy and A.E. Rizzoli
- The Murray-Darling Basin Irrigation Futures Framework (IFF?)
- Society-Environment Interactions
- Biophysical Component of an Integrated Water Resources Assessment Project in the Upper Chao Phraya Headwaters, Northern Thailand
A.J Jakeman, C. Saowapon, A. lintrawet, K. Trisophon, l. Evans and F. Wong
- Economic Analysis Framework for Integrated Water Resources Assessment and Management: A Case Study of the Upper Chao Phraya Headwaters, Northern Thailand
T. Mallarawaarachchi, P. Lal, P. lanekarnkij, V. Punyawadee and F. Wong - The Intrinsic Political Aspects of Environmental Problems
H. C. van Latesteijn - A Decision Support System for Integrated Water Resources Assessment and Management: A Case Study of the Upper Chao Phraya Headwaters, Northern Thailand
B. Mackey, K. Trisophon, M. Ekasingh, S. Sangawongse, F. Wong and A.J. Jakeman - Modelling Sustainable Development in Scotland
l. Moffat and R. Faichney - Integrating Socio-Cultural with Economic and Environmental Issues in a River Basin: A Case Study of the Upper Chao Phraya Headwaters, Northern Thailand
H. Ross, P.N. na Ayuthaya and F. Wong - Urban Flooding - Greenhouse Climate Modelling, Flood Hydrology and Damages
DJ Smith, S.f. Schreider and A.J Jakeman
- Environmental Modelling for Policy and Management Applications within a Social Framework
R.E. Smyth - Integrated Assessment of Global and Regional Changes - A Bayesian Expert Judgment Elicitation Approach
O. Varis - Decision Support Systems for Integrated Environmental Management: Anticipating and Interrogating Bias
F. Wong - Modelling the Spatial Dynamics and Social Interaction of Human Recreators Using GIS and Intelligent Agents
H.R. Gimblett and R.M. ltami
- Biophysical Component of an Integrated Water Resources Assessment Project in the Upper Chao Phraya Headwaters, Northern Thailand
- Time Series Modelling
- Estimating the Hurst Parameter in Fractional ARIMA(p,d,q) Models via the Quasi-likelihood Method
R.F. Biondini and Y.-X. Lin
- A Seasonal Forecasting Model for General Use
P.M. Jellett - Testing the Long-Run Neutrality Hypothesis Using Intra-year Data
K. Leong and M. McAleer - Properties of the Unit Root Tests Which Allow for a Trend Break When the Break Point is Misspecified
K. Morimune and M. Nakagawa - Translation of Bounds on Time-domain Behaviour of Dynamical Systems into Parameter Bounds for Discrete-time Rational Transfer-function Models
J.P. Norton - Using the Kalman Filter in Tests of Convergence
L. Oxley and D. Greasley - LM Tests for Unit Roots in the Presence of Missing Observations: Small Sample Evidence
HY. Toda and CR. McKenzie
- Efficient Estimation and Testing of Alternative Models of Currency Futures Contracts
J.M. Sequeira. M. McAleer and Y.-F. Chow
- Estimating the Hurst Parameter in Fractional ARIMA(p,d,q) Models via the Quasi-likelihood Method
- Applied Population Modelling
- Using the Negative Binomial Distribution and Risk Analysis Software to Simulate Eactrocera papayae Drew and Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae) Metapopulations in an Eradication Context
A.D. Clift and A. Meats
- Dynamics of Spatial Redistribution of Population in Australia
M.E. Entel and N.T.M. Hamilton - Modelling the Population Dynamics of a Stock of the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)
CS. Lee, CH Diong, S.S.L. Lim and CM. U. Le - Limiting Conditional Distributions for Stochastic Metapopulation Models
P.K. Pollett - Application of Stochastic Dynamic Programming to Optimal Fire Management of a Spatially Structured Threatened Species
H Possingham and G. Tuck - Evolutionary Maintainable Strategy and Origin of Aging
K. Tainaka - An Application of SDP to Generate Simple Behavioural Rules: Are Parasitoids All Thumbs?
B. Tenhumberg, M.A. Keller and H Possingham
- Spatially Explicit Ecological Models: Population Consequences of Individual Habitat Selection Mechanisms
A.i. Tyre, HP. Possingham and D.E. Lindenmayer - Formulae for Calculating the Instantaneous Rate of Natural Mortality of Animals from Its Surrogates
Y. Xiao
- Using the Negative Binomial Distribution and Risk Analysis Software to Simulate Eactrocera papayae Drew and Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae) Metapopulations in an Eradication Context
- Economic Dynamics and Policy
- Capital Dynamics as a Trade-Off Between Tax Rate and Budget Deficit
W. Gorbachuk
- Dynamics for International Commercial Fishing
K.Okuguchi - Dynamic Corrective Taxes with Pollution: A Stochastic Model
L.K. Sandal and S.I. Steinshamn - Interactions Between Output Growth and the Environment
A. Strutt, S. Lim and D. Harland - Welfare Effects of Trade Liberalization and Land Degradation in Indonesia
A. Strutt - Maximising the Landed Value from Prawn Fisheries Using a Variation on the Simulated Annealing Algorithm
R.A. Watson and NR. Sumner
- Capital Dynamics as a Trade-Off Between Tax Rate and Budget Deficit
- Engineering Mechanics, Computing and Control
- Second Order Effects in Model Sensitivity Analyses and the Role of Graph Theory
F. Campolongo and R. Braddock
- The Use of Preheating, Continuous Feeding and Blowing Air to Enhance a Solar Still Productivity
I.E.A. Elbataw, K. Mohr and K. Namba - Chaotic Dynamics in Tank Level Fluctuations
G.P. Grodzicki and B.R. Young - The Matrix Method for Higher Education Modelling: A Temporal and Spatial
E.A. Humo - A PC Based Diesel Engine Simulation Program for Marine Engineers
N Lawrence and H. Y.P. Kortekass - High Capacity Prime Code Hierarchical Decoder with Delay Line Logic
Y.-H. Lee and C.-S. Yang - Fuzzy Modelling and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems
F. Mei, Z Man and T. Nguyen
- Fuzzy Graph Modeling and Its Analysis System
A. Satoh, H. Yamashita, H. Suda, K. Tsuchida and M. Namekawa - Networked System Intrusion Detection Models
C.-T. Su and W.-C. Chang - Selection of Capacitor for the Self-Excited Single-Phase Induction Generator
B.C. Soh and P. White - Simulation Models for Dynamic Analysis of Machinery
A. Subic - A Software Protocol for Distributed Simulation Models
S.L. Wright, VE. Veraart and B.A. Keating - Numerical Simulation of Granular Flows Using a Viscous Plasticity Model
Y.-H. Wu and R. Collinson
- Analysis of l:M Conditional Logistic Regression Modelling Method
C. Zhang, Z Man and T. Nguyen
- Second Order Effects in Model Sensitivity Analyses and the Role of Graph Theory
- Statistical Modelling for Physical Structures and Systems
- Simulating the Stress-Strain Curves of Woollen Yams
B.D. Cassidy and G.D. Kulasiri
- The 2-D Model of Flow Around a Modified Rotary Viscomete
r L.D. Hird, P.F. Siew and S. Wang - Bayes Updating Using Bounded Probability Densities for Model-Parameter Estimation in Dynamical Systems
J.P. Norton - Computer Modelling of Hydraulic Transients in Pipe Networks and the Associated Design Criteria
A.R. Simpson and ZY. Wu - Modelling of HIFAR Thermo-Hydraulics Using RELAP5IMOD2
J. Y. Tu - A Quasi-Likelihood Method for Fractal-Dimension Estimation
Y.-G. Wang, Y.-X. Lin and M.D.E. Haywood - An Efficient Genetic Algorithm Paradigm for Discrete Optimisation of Pipeline Networks
z.Y. Wu and A.R. Simpson
- Simulating the Stress-Strain Curves of Woollen Yams
- Epidemiology, Health and Medical Research
- Application of Laser Induced Micro-Blasts for Liquid Disinfection
S. Gribin, V. Assaoul and B. Spesivtsev
- Estimating the Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution by the Method of Probability-Weighted Moments with Application to Medical Survival Data
AA Bartolucci, K.P. Singh, A.D. Bartolucci, M.A. EI-Saidi and I.M. Hardin - Potential for Wind-borne Spread of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Australia
G. Garner and R. Cannon - Interactive Scientific Processor (ISP) to the Estimation of Multistate Proportional Hazards Model
R.l. Chowdhury, K.P. Singh, M.A. Islam, A.A Bartolucci and S. Bae - Spatial Configuration of a Manipulator for Laparoscopic Telesurgery
M.A. Gongora-Florian, G. Rengifo and C. Porras - Simulating the Food and Nutrition System in Rural Zimbabwe to Support Targeting of Emergency Aid
S.W. Gundry, I.A. Wright and A Ferro-Luzzi - Survival-Bioequivalence: Empirical Bayesian Approach with Non-Conventional Inference Framework
C. Jefferson, AA Bartolucci and K.P. Singh - The Effect of Branch Angle on Human Coronary Artery Blood Flow
P.R. Johnston and D.Kilpatrick
- A Simulation Model to Increase the Efficiency of a Hospital Maternity System
E. Kozan and S. Gillingham - A Simulation Model of the Spread of Blood Borne Viruses through One-One Contact
D. Mather - Simulation of Three-Dimensional Flow of Blood in Epicardial Arteries
B. Quatember - An Analysis of Intervened AlDS/HIV Rate
R. Shanmugam, A.A. Bartolucci and KP. Singh - Inferring Morbidity and Mortality Rules for Household Level Simulation Models in Rural Zimbabwe
I.A. Wright, S.W. Gundry, I. Worrall and A. Kelly - Validation of a Complex Spatial Model of the Food and Nutrition System in Zimbabwe
IA. Wright, S. W. Gundry, A. Ferro-Luzzi and P.J. Hoyles
- Application of Laser Induced Micro-Blasts for Liquid Disinfection
- Modelling Agricultural Systems
- Optimising Rotational Grazing in Sheep Management Systems
L.G. Barioni, C. KG. Dake and W.l. Parker
- Modelling Change in State of Complex Ecological Systems in Space and Time: An Application to Sustainable Grazing Management
I.A. Bellamy and D. Lowes - An Age and Herd Structure Model for Beef Breeding Enterprises
R.E. Dobos, P.C. Carberry, S. Vleeskens, E. Sangsari, B.D. lohnston and V.H. Oddy - Evaluation and Calibration of CERES3 (Maize): Kernel Number Simulation
A.S. du Toit - A Biological Model of Apple Tree Production
S. Hester and O. Cacho - Using GIS and the GRAZPLAN Simulation Models to Assess the Effect of Climate Variability on Pasture Production
M.I. Hill, G.L. Donald and A.D. Moore - Modelling Heat Stress and Water Loss of Beef Cattle in Subtropical Queensland Under Current Climates and Climate Change
S.M. Howden and I. Turnpenny - Use of Evolutionary Algorithms and Simulated Annealing to Optimize a Herd Dynamics Model
D. G. Mayer. IA. Belward and K Burrage
- Generic Modelling for Integrated Pest Management
G.F. Maywald, R. W. Sutherst and M.P. Zalucki - The Development of a Windows Based Heifer Growth and Management Decision SUPPOlt System
M.J. McPhee, R.C. Dobos, A.M. Ashwood and SA Plowman - Fire as an Economic Disincentive to Smallholder Rubber Planting in Imperata Grassland Areas of Indonesia
K Menz, K. Ellis, C. Conroy and A. Gunawan - Towards a Decision Support System for Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus: The Role of Modelling
D. Morgan, I. Barker and K. Walters - Integrating Legacy Subsystem Components into an Object-Oriented Model
P.G. Neil, KP. Bright and R.A. Sherlock - User Input in Designing and Developing Computer Aided Farm Decision-Support Systems
B. Quebedeaux, YR. Reddy and Y. Pachepsky - Input Optimisation and Crop Management Using Decision-Support System GLYCIMIGUICS
V.R. Reddy and Y.A. Pachepsky
- Modelling Wheat Production on Farms in Southwestern Queensland
B. Robinson, J. Dimes, D. Freebairn, R. Dalal, G. Thomas and E. Weston - An Object-Oriented Simulation Model of a Complete Pastoral Dairy Farm
R.A. Sherlock, K.P. Bright and P. G. Neil - An Approach for Simulating the Soil-Grassland Interface in Pastoral Fanning Systems
V. Silveira, A. Bernlle.I, J. Busque, M. Herrero and J.B. Dent - Effects of Saline Waters with Sprinkler and Furrow Irrigation on Yield Response of Cotton
T.M. Sohrabi, A.R. Kyani and A. Pazira - Roles and Opportunities for Using Models to Aid the Management of Agricultural and Other Natural Resources Within a Variable Climate
D.H. White
- Optimising Rotational Grazing in Sheep Management Systems
- Geostatistical Applications
- Mapping Soil Parameters ofIrrigated Properties using Geostatistics
P.I. Brooker
- Higher-Order Stochastic Models of Flow and Transport in Geologic Media
I.Ii. Cushman - Spatiotemporal Modelling of Springwater Contaminants in the Presence of Complex Trends
R. Dimitrakopoulos and X. Luo - Geostatistical Conditional Fractal Simulation with Irregularly Spaced Data
D. Kentwell, L. Bloom and G. Comber - Observing Graphical Signatures of Economic Commodities Within a Geological Domain with the Aid of Holistic Modelling
T. Lee
- Mapping Soil Parameters ofIrrigated Properties using Geostatistics
- Econometric Modelling
- Household Portfolio Behavior with Stochastic Interest Rates
E. Aiyoshi and A. Maki
- Modelling Temperature Dependency of Electricity Demand - The Key to Short Tenn Forecasting of Energy Demand by the Half Hour
L. Baloi - Climatically Corrected Energy Consumption - An Empirical Analysis of the Danish Manufacturing and Residential Sectors
I. Bentzen - Return Transmission Among Stock Markets of the Greater China
WS. Chan, H. We. La and S.H. Cheung - A Brownian Bridge Bias Correction Method for Simulation of Exotic Option Valuation
WK. Ching - Long Swings with Memory and Stock Market Fluctuations
Y.-F. Chow and M. Liu - Sensitivity Bounds for Use with Flawed Data
D.G. Fiebig and P.-F. Uldry - Time-Varying CAPM Betas: Kalman Filter Estimates and Their Relationship to Macroeconomic Variables
N. Groenewold and P. Fraser
- Parametric Forecasts of Australian Yield Curves
A.D. Hall - Non-Linear Noise Reduction and Detecting Chaos: Some Evidence from the S&P Composite Price Index
R. G. Harrison, D. Yu, I. Oxley and W Lu - Visual Simulation of Dynamic Economic Models
R.D. Herbert and R.D. Bell - Forecasts for the Korean Economy Using an Intertemporal CGE Model
K. Kim and S.-W. Moon - Testing the Life-Cycle Permanent Income Hypothesis Using Intra-Year Data for Germany
K. Leong - Testing the Neutrality of Money in Japan Using ARIMA Models and Cointegration Analysis
K. Leong, M. McAleer and A. Maki - Monthly Variations in Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted International Tourism to Australia
C Lim and M. McAleer
- A Meta-analysis of International TOUlism Demand
C Lim - Economic Growth in Malaysia: Is It Exogenous or Endogenous?
L.K. Lim - Microeconomic Models of Choice Under Uncertainty
G. Loomes and P.G. Moffatt - Visualization of Call Options and Implied Volatility
CA. Los - Asymptotic Properties of the Estimated Long-Run MPC in a Dynamic Model with an Integrated Regressor
K. Maekawa, M. McAleer and Z. He - Generated Variables in Finance: Specification, Estimation and Inference
C.R. McKenzie and M. McAleer - Sizes and Powers of Tests for Models with Sample Selection Biases - A Monte
Carlo Comparison
K. Nawata and M. McAleer
- National Responses to Global Warming
G. W. Paltridge - Estimation of Risk Premium and Cost-of-Carry Models for Currency Futures Contracts
J.M. Sequeira, M. McAleer and Y.-F. Chow - A Market-Augmented Model for SIMEX Brent Crude Oil Futures Contracts
J.M. Sequeira and M. McAleer - Estimation of an Import Demand Function for Indonesia: 1971-93
MAE. Siddique - Econometric Analysis of Global Climate Change
D.l. Stern and R.K. Kaufmann - Constant Conditional Correlation in a Bivariate GARCH Model: Evidence from the Stock Markets of China
AX. Tsui and Q. Yu - An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Transformation in the Japanese Machine Tool Industry
M. Tsuji, S. Miyahara and M. Ishikawa
- Pricing in Futures and Forward Markets for Non-ferrous Metals: An Empirical Critique
C. Watkins
- Household Portfolio Behavior with Stochastic Interest Rates
- Distribution Networks
- Simulating Truck Performance in Mining and Earthmoving
A Dinovitser and M.AP. Taylor
- A Study of Three-Stage Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Alternative Operation Assignments
Y. Futatsuishi, I. Watanabe and T. Nakanishi - A Simulation Analysis of a New Mail Processing System
S. Isobe, T. Iwama, M. Sato and S. Sano - Evaluation Method Using Chaotic Analysis for Road Transportation System Simulator
N. Itakura, A Fukeda, N. Honda and K. Yikai - Computing High Speed Mixing Flows - Two-Equation vs. Algebraic Models
R. Krishnamurthy, D.M. Woods and S. Chandra - An Algorithm for Generating Ship Streams for a Computer Simulation Program of a Coal Export Tenninal
D. Morel, L. Wadhwa and M. Schneider - Clock Synchronization Algorithm for Parallel Road Traffic Simulation
M. Namekawa, A. Satoh, H. Mori, K. Yikai and T. Nakanishi - Spatio-Temporal Data Model for Road Tramc Infonnation System
M.M. Oo and T. Duong
- Road Database System for Road Traffic Simulation
J. Satoh, A. Satoh, M. Takahashi, K. Yikai and N. Honda - A Genetic Algorithm Approach Employing Floating Point Representation for Economic Dispatch of Electric Power Systems
C.-T. Su and W-T. Tyen - Power System Capacity Expansion Planning Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Genetic Algorithm
C.-T. Su and G.-R. Lif - Optimal Capacitor Allocation Using Fuzzy Reasoning and Genetic Algorithms for Distribution Systems
c.-T. Su, G.-R. Lif and C.-C. Tsai - The Development of Road Traffic Simulator (PIMTRACS) by
M. Takahashi, T. Yoshida, T. Nakanishi, i. Miyoshi and l. Fujikawa - The Actual Simulation of Road Traffics by PIMTRACS (The Traffic Simulation System by PIM)
M. Takahashi, Y. Hibiya, T. Fuchisawa, T. Nakanishi and T. Fujikura - Establishing Relationships between Port Capacity, Throughput and Performance by Simulation Studies
I. Wadhwa, G. Whelan, D. Morel and M. Schneider
- A Real-Time Parallel Processing System, PIM, and Its Application to a Large-scale Railroad Operation Simulator
S. Yaskawa and S. Yamamoto - Simulation in Selecting the Best Parking Lot Layout
WI. Yue and W Young
- Simulating Truck Performance in Mining and Earthmoving
- Decision Analysis and Support Systems
- SAM: A Computer Program for Statistical Analysis and Modelling
I. Bai, A.I. lakeman, M. McAleer and I.A. Taylor
- Process Networks Engineering: Modeling Decentralized Factories
M. Becker, H.-A. Crostack and M. Saal - Sensitivity and Cont1ict Analysis in Multi-cIiteIia Decision Making
A. Colorni, E. Laniado and S. Muratori - Simulation of an Intermodal Container Terminal to Assist the Management in the Decision Making Process
A.E. Rizzoli, L.M. Gambardella and G. Bontempi - Neural Network Model of Autonomous Agent for Decision Support System
W Wajs and M. Swiecicki
- SAM: A Computer Program for Statistical Analysis and Modelling
- Natural Resources Modelling
- Integrated Models for Environmental Management
R.M. Argent, R.B. Grayson and S.A. Ewing
- Incorporating Point Basal Area, Tree Dominance, Soil Type and Altitude Into the Existing Taper Models for Eucalyptus pilularis
D. Dekaris - Simulation as an Aid to Dynamic Programming for Natural Resource Problems
M. Eigenraam, J.E. Everett and J. Barker - River Basin Management Using a Stochastic Model of the Salmon Life Cycle
R. Faivre, J. Dumas, M-H. Charron, 1. Badia and P. Prouzet - Modelling the South Australian Lobster Fishery
R. McGarvey and P.S. Gaertner - The North American Pacific Salmon Wars: Crafting the Treaty of Peace
R. McKelvey - The Port Phillip Bay Ecosystem Model
A.G. Murray and J. Parslow
- The Port Phillip Bay Ecosystem Model: Spatial and Temporal Pattern and Process
J. Parslow and A. Murray
- Long-term Modelling of Water Quality Variables in the Yarra River
S. Sokolov - Delivery of Spatio-Temporal Modelling Results for Catchment Management: A Case Study
K. Taylor, R. Ackland, G. Walker and D. Jackson
- Integrated Models for Environmental Management
- Integrated Modelling for Forest, Agricultural and Fishery Management
- A Tree Hollow Simulation Model for Forest Managers: The Dynamics of the Absence of Wood in Trees
l.R. Ball, D.E. Lindenmayer and H.P. Possingham
- Application of Sensitivity Analysis to a Model of Eucalyptus globulus Plantation Productivity
M. Battaglia and P. Sands - The Reservation Price of Forest Stands
C.K.G. Dake - Variations Due to Symbiotic Behaviour - An Attempt to Understand the Fluctuations in the Cod Fisheries of the Barents Sea
A. Eide - The Impact of Technology on Fishing Power in the Western Rock Lobster (Panulirus cygnus) Fishery
I.A. Fernandez, J.M. Cross and N. Caputi - Modelling Upper Stem Bark Thickness for Eucalypts
F. Hamilton and O. Chikumbo - Integration Frameworks in Multiple and Sequential Land Use Evaluation
K. W.l. Malafant, D.P. Fordham and S.M. Davey - Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Timber Markets in Southern USA
S. McNulty, E. de Steiguer and R. Abt
- A Framework for Analysing Fleet Dynamics in a Prawn Fishery
E. Ngwenya - A Spatially Explicit and Temporal Dynamic Simulation Model of Forested Landscape Ecosystems
W. Su and B.G. Mackey
- A Tree Hollow Simulation Model for Forest Managers: The Dynamics of the Absence of Wood in Trees
- Evaluation of Surface Hydrological Models
- Using Reliability Methods to Estimate the Prediction Uncertainty of a Catchment Hydrological Model
M.A. Bailey, L.D. Connell and R.J. Nathan
- Models for Integrated Catchment Management
C.J. Barnes, DB. Walker and DL Short - Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Model for Forecasting Rainfall Run-off
R.D. Braddock, ML Kremmer and L. Sanzogni - Regional Modelling of the Hydrological Impact of Afforestation in a Semi-arid Headwater Catchment in South Africa Using the HRU-Approach
W.-A. Flugel and H. Staudenrausch - River Headwater Flows - Modelling the Spatial and Temporal Correlations Within a Larger Framework
J. Gooday - Neural Network Based Modelling of Environmental Variables: A Systematic Approach
H.R. Maier and G.e. Dandy - Processoriented Water Balance Modeling of Two Headwater Catchments of the Elbe River System, Germany
E Michl - An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Rainfall-Runoff Model Calibration and Function Optimization
G. Ndiritu and T. M. Daniell
- Precipitation-Runoff Model Calibration on a Sub-daily Time Step in the Upper Murray Basin
S.Y. Schreider, A.J. Jakeman and P.e. Young - Forecasting Floods at Variable Catchment Scales Using Stochastic Systems Hydro-Geomorphic Models and Digital Topographic Data
N. Su, F. Liu and J. Barringer - Applying Genetic Programming to Model Rainfall-Runoff
P.A. Whigham and P.F. Crapper - A Streamtlow Forccasting Algorithm and Results for the Upper Murray Basin
P.e. Young, S.Y. Schreider and A.J. Jakeman
- Using Reliability Methods to Estimate the Prediction Uncertainty of a Catchment Hydrological Model
- Ocean Outfall, Bays and Foreshore Waters
- Analysis of Water Quality Data of St. Petersburg Small Rivers
V.N. Assaoul and l. V. Bovykin
- Occurrence of Bacteria with Visual Beach Pollution
P.M. Jellett - Numerical Modelling of Seawater Purging in Hong Kong Sea Outfall Model
J.H.W Lee, Z.-R. Guo and T. we. Yau - Numerical Modelling of Mixing Flow Near an Ocean Outfall
S.Z. Ye and J.Y. Tu
- Analysis of Water Quality Data of St. Petersburg Small Rivers
- Ecological Modelling
- Assessment of Australia's Grasslands and Rangelands by Spatial Simulation
W. Hall, K. Day, J. Carter,C. Paull and D. Bruget
- A Model of Giant Clam Growth
R. Hean and O. Cacho - Evaluation of the Nutrient Cycle in the Seagrass Bed
Y. Oshima and M.J. Kishi - Predictive Limnology; Inductive or Deductive Ecological Models?
F. Recknagel - A Model of Diel Vertical Migration of Zooplankton and Its Potential for the Redistribution of Organic Material Through the Water Column
SA. Richards and HP. Possingham - Simulating the Development of Pilchard Eggs Using a Stochastic Compartmental Model
N.R. Sumner and WJ. Fletcher - Advances in Modelling and Prediction of Algal Blooms in Freshwater Lakes by Artificial Neural Networks
H Wilson and F. Recknagel
- Assessment of Australia's Grasslands and Rangelands by Spatial Simulation
- Air Pollution and Wind Flows
- Numerical Modelling of the Refraction of Wind Wave Spectra on the Southern Brazilian Coast
J.HG.M. Alves and E. Melo
- Reactive State-Space Modelling of Urban Air Pollution
V. V. Anh, M. Azzi, H. Duc, G.M. Johnson and Q. Tieng - Potential Effects on Air Quality of Introducing Cogeneration Plant into a Sydney Location
M. Azzi and G.M. Johnson - Urban Wind Flows: Wind Tunnel and Numerical Simulations – Preliminary Comparison
G. T. Johnson and L.J. Hunter - Applying the DYMOS System in Conurbations
W. Rufeger, P. Mieth and T. Lux - Simulation of Traffic Induced Air Pollution
M. Schmidt and R.-P. Schafer - A Composite PDF of Scalar Concentration in Turbulent Flows
T.P. Schopfocher and P.J. Sullivan [MSSA General Systems Medallist] - Generalised Log-Logistic Model for Analysis of Environmental Pollutant Data
K.P. Singh, Warsono and A.A. Bartolucci
- Combining Ozone Visualization with Atmospheric Light Seattering
B. Walter - Particle Pollution Distribution in the Sydney Airshed
H. Duc, M. Azzi, V. V. Anh and Q. Tieng
- Numerical Modelling of the Refraction of Wind Wave Spectra on the Southern Brazilian Coast
- Ecological Modelling