Keynote Papers - Sponsored by the Hydro-Electric Corporation of Tasmania
Kenneth Lindsay
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Estimating the Parameters of Stochastic Differential Equations
A.S. Hum and K.A. Lindsay
Kazuo Nishimura
Kyoto University, Japan
On the Existence of Chaotic Solutions in Dynamic Linear Programming
K. Nishimura and M. Yano
Adrian Pagan
Australian National University
On Some Uses of Simulation in Econometrics
A. Pagan [MSSA Socioeconomic Systems Medallist]
Neville Smith
Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre,
Modelling and Simulation for a Global Ocean Observing System
N.R. Smith
Achim Sydow
National Research Centre for Computer Science, Germany
Simulation Models for Air Quality Management
Peter Young
University of Lancaster
Data-Based Mechanistic Modelling of Environmental, Ecological, Economic and Engineering Systems
P. Young