MSSANZ Privacy Statement

Below sets out the privacy statement of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. (MSSANZ)1. “MSSANZ website” refers to all sites operating under the domain that are covered by this privacy policy.

You may contact MSSANZ by email at if you have any questions regarding this statement.

What personal information we collect

MSSANZ will collect personal information

  • if you apply to join the association as a member,
  • upon submission of either an Extended Abstract or Full Paper  for a presentation at a biennial MODSIM congress (Congress),
  • at the point of registering to attend a Congress, or
  • should you be nominated by two current MSSANZ members for any one of the MSSANZ awards.

Such information may include your name, age, email address, qualifications and academic achievements, student status, institution, country of residence, any special requirements pertaining to your attendance (e.g. access, dietary) upon registration to attend a congress, and your history of contribution to the Society.

Why we collect the information

The Society is required to maintain a register of members (name, address, date of membership) in accordance with Section 56 of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Victoria)2 (the Act), under which the Society is incorporated.

Your email address is used to keep you informed about relevant MSSANZ activities (including the MODSIM congresses). This is done through email posting of notices to all members through a mailing service, which discloses the email address of the sender but not the receivers. To unsubscribe from the MSSANZ mailing list, email and we will remove your email from our mailing list.

A subset of your personal information (name, email address) is required to manage the Congress submission and review and registration processes. Student status is used to determine whether you are eligible to pay the Student registration rate; this information is not retained after the attended Congress.

Aggregated and de-identified statistics on the numbers of the types of are presented to members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in the Congress year to review the outreach of MSSANZ.

The Awards Committee and Executive Committee refer to information on qualifications, academic achievements, and records of contribution to the Association in order to select nominated recipients for the society’s Biennial Medallist, Fellows and Early Career Research Excellence (ECRE) awards. The Student Awards Committee (separate from the Awards Committee) will use student status to determine eligibility for consideration for Student Awards at a given Congress. Information on all awards conditions are available at

Your name and email address is used by you to setup an account with a username and password for our conference management system. With this account you can self-manage the submission and review process for your manuscripts. Authorised system administrators can reset your password upon request.

To pay Congress registration using a credit card, you will be redirected to our offsite merchant payment where your card number, expiration date, and security code are used to process your purchase. These details are not stored by MSSANZ.

Accuracy, security and storage of information

The Association holds personal information in computer records. It takes all reasonable steps to ensure that these records are accurate and complete, and are protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access or disclosure.

Disclosure of information

Under Section 58 of the Act, information from the register of members can only be used to send notices to members. MSSANZ will not release any personal information to third parties without your consent. The Association may be obliged to provide Congress registrant names to a venue provider if bound by the venue hire agreement, in which case consent is a condition of attendance at the Congress. Delegates who inform us of special requirements (e.g. diet, access) relating to their attendance at a Congress, have provided consent for MSSANZ to disclose only the relevant information to the necessary third parties.

The mailing list will not be provided to third parties or to the members of the Association. Members may request the Association notify the MSSANZ members of education or employment opportunities or other matters relevant to the society. The approval of such requests and circulation of notifications is the discretion of the MSSANZ Executive or Office.

Upon email request to, you can be removed from the MSSANZ mailing list at any time. [Note that removal from this list in the lead-up to the biennial Congress may prevent you receiving notification about the Congress and, if relevant, acceptance of your submissions to the presentation.]

1 Being a not-for-profit with an annual turnover <$3 million AUD, MSSANZ is not bound by the Privacy Act 1988. However, the Association strives to collect, use and manage personal information of members in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in Schedule 1 of the Act.