Become a member

The Society has more than 1,000 members from 50 countries, including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, the Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Members are from a wide range of professional disciplines including hydrology, agricultural science, economics, engineering, atmospheric science, ecology and many others.

The membership fee of the Society is incorporated into the Biennial Congress registration fee, commences on payment of registration, and terminates at the opening of the next Congress (if not registered for that Congress). Members remain on the mailing list unless they request to be removed.

A person can apply to join the Society between congresses by being nominated by two members who have published in MODSIM proceedings.


Mailing list

Members are automatically subscribed to the email mailing list which provides periodical notices, updates and news. Members can request something be included in a post to the mailing list by emailing

Non-members can request to be added to the mailing list by being proposed by two current members, or by submitting a request via email to


The Society occasionally produces newsletters with information about congresses and award winners.

Go to the Newsletters page to see past issues.