Awards criteria

Awards for the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ)

The Society awards Fellowships, Biennial Medals, Early Career Research Excellence Awards, and Student Awards for Excellence in Presentation.

Fellowships are awarded in even-numbered years between the Biennial Congresses.

Biennial Medals, Early Career Research Excellence and Student Awards are awarded in odd-numbered years to coincide with the Biennial Congress.


  1. In every even-numbered year, the Society will confer Fellowships for ‘Unselfish dedication to promoting the aims of the Society, and for outstanding contributions to modelling and simulation.’
  2. Fellows are entitled to use the postnominal ‘FMSSANZ’.
  3. To ensure wide coverage of those considered for nomination, a canvassing committee will be formed that will examine the Society membership list, congress attendance and other forms of support to the Society and encourage that nominations be made. The canvassing committee will include the MSSANZ Executive Officer and will take note of the Society’s statement on diversity to consider members who might otherwise be overlooked.
  4. Nominations will be called for by the President in every even-numbered year through multiple avenues to reach as much of the membership as possible. The call should be approximately three months before the AGM.
  5. Any member of the Society may be nominated for Fellowship. The proposer and seconder must be members of the Society. Self-nomination is not permitted.
  6. Nominations will be received via an online form that will include information on service to the Society, a statement of support written by the nominator and a short curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  7. The Awards Committee will summarise the information received during the main call for nominations and may extend the call with specific prompts should it appear that some sectors of the Society are underrepresented in nominations.
  8. Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee who will make recommendations to the MSSANZ Executive Committee for ratification. Fellows are awarded at the next MODSIM congress.

Biennial Medals

  1. In every odd-numbered year, to coincide with the Biennial Congress, the Society may confer a limited number of Biennial Medals for ‘exceptional research contributions to modelling and simulation, and for promoting the aims of the Society’.
  2. Biennial Medallists automatically become Fellows of the Society, and are entitled to use the postnominal ‘FMSSANZ’.
  3. Nominations will be called for by the President in every odd-numbered year through multiple avenues to reach as much of the membership as possible. The call should be approximately three months before the AGM.
  4. Any member of the Society may be nominated for a Biennial Medal. The proposer and seconder must be members of the Society. Self-nomination is not permitted.
  5. Nominations will be received only via an online form that will include information supporting the nomination against the Awards Guidelines and a short curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  6. Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee who will make recommendations to the MSSANZ Executive Committee for ratification.

PDF formatGuidelines for Biennial Medallists and ECREs nominations

Early Career Research Excellence Awards

  1. In every odd-numbered year, to coincide with the Biennial Congress, the Society may confer a limited number of Early Career Research Excellence Awards for ‘early career research excellence in modelling and simulation’.
  2. An early career researcher is in the first phase of their career, have established credentials in their discipline (e.g., a PhD) and are on an upward trajectory but they have yet to consolidate their standing. They should have graduated with a PhD degree or equivalent within seven years (extended to ten years where there have been career breaks) of being nominated for the award.
  3. Any eligible member of the Society may be nominated for an Early Career Research Excellence Award. The proposer and seconder must be members of the Society. Self-nomination is not permitted.
  4. Nominations will be received only via an online form that will include information supporting the nomination against the Awards Guidelines and a short curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  5. Nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee who will make recommendations to the MSSANZ Executive Committee for ratification.

PDF formatGuidelines for Biennial Medallists and ECREs nominations

Student Awards for Excellence in Presentation

  1. In every odd-numbered year, to coincide with the Biennial Congress, the Society may confer multiple Student Awards for Excellence in Presentation.
  2. The Convenor of the Biennial Congress and the President will appoint a Student Awards Committee for the Congress.
  3. Nomination and selection procedure for Student Awards are determined by the Student Awards Committee, in consultation with the MSSANZ Executive Committee.