
Society Awards

  • Biennial Medals go to outstanding contributors to modelling and simulation over a sustained period and who have a record of service to the Society (such as organising sessions at biennial Congresses). Medallists automatically become Fellows of the Society. These are awarded in every odd-numbered year, to coincide with the Biennial Congress.
  • Fellows are recognised for their outstanding service to the Society through their unselfish dedication to the aims of the Society as well as for their contributions to modelling and simulation. These are awarded in every even-numbered year.
  • Early Career Research Excellence (ECRE) Awards are awarded in the Congress year. These commenced in 2001 and are normally awarded to researchers who obtained their PhD during the past seven years or so.
  • Student Awards for Excellence in Presentation are judged at each Congress, and presented at the close of each Congress. A Commendation Certificate is awarded and a cash prize may be associated with one or more of the recipients.

View the nomination procedure and selection criteria.

Award Winners

Award recipients from previous years:

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is comprised of Society Fellows. To see the list of members please go to the Management Committee page.