A panel data approach for program evaluation - Measuring the benefits of political and economic integration of Hong Kong with mainland China (Abstract only)
Ching, H.S., C. Hsiao and S.K. Wan
Are you spending the money wisely? New decision support tools that demonstrate value to environmental investors (Abstract only)
Hajkowicz, S.
Mathematical modelling in agricultural systems: A case study of modelling fat deposition in beef cattle for research and industry
McPhee, M.J.
An agent-based model to address coastal management issues in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Perez, P., A. Dray, D. Cleland and J.E. Arias-González
A seasonal water availability prediction service: opportunities and challenges
Plummer, N., N. Tuteja, Q.J. Wang, E. Wang, D. Robertson, S. Zhou, A. Schepen, O. Alves, B. Timbal and K. Puri
Science tools to inform regional investment decisions more than 'toys for the boys'?
Roberts, A.M. and D.J. Pannell
Agriculture and climate change: Modeling issues and future directions (Abstract only)
Tubiello, F.N. and M. Howden