Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.
c/o Fenner School of Environment and Society
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200
Scientific Program Co-chairs
Professor Roger Braddock
Dr Bob Anderssen
Dr David Mayer
Dr Neil Gribble
Co-ordinator of the streams
Dr Lachlan Newham
Stream Co-ordinators
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Roger Braddock, Griffith University
Biological Systems
Bob Anderssen, CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences
Markus Hegland, The Australian National University
Computer Sciences
Andrea Rizzoli, Instituto Dalle Molle di Studisull’Intelligenza Artificale
David Swayne, Guelph University
Economic and Financial Systems
Michael McAleer, University of Western Australia
Les Oxley, University of Canterbury, NZ
Engineering and Applications
Yaping Shao, University of Cologne
Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Asian Institute of Technology
Environment and Ecology
David Pullar, University of Queensland
Alexey Voinov, University of Vermont
Global Change and/or Natural Hazards
Mark Howden, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Giulio Iovine, National Research Council, Italy
Participatory Decision Making and Modelling Social Systems
Claudia Pahl-Wostl, University of Osnabrueck
Blair Nancarrow, CSIRO Land and Water
Water Resources
Shahbaz Khan, UNESCO
Robert Argent, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia