×C6. Recent advances in hydroinformatics: Progress and future directions

Water resources decision making relies on hydroinformatics methods and tools to deal with the challenges posed by environmental changes. The emergence of new technologies, smart data acquisition systems, intelligent communication platforms, cloud-based community models, and participatory decision support platforms offer great opportunities for developing the next generation hydroinformatics solutions on improving capabilities in water resources monitoring, modeling, and management.

This session provides a platform to the researchers, developers, and industrial professionals to contribute their ideas and solutions to the development of

  1. new theoretical approaches and computing protocols for data analytics and visualization system, stream processing, and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques
  2. workflow automation techniques through the use of modern computing, crowdsourced data collection, and web services
  3. operational implementation of water services for real-time decision making with IoT monitoring and visual data analytics
  4. data storage and management solutions, and integration to provide the scalability and availability necessary to serve a broad range of needs.

We welcome novel concepts and innovative approaches related to the design, analysis, and implementation of hydroinformatics techniques in water resources system control and management.

Key topics: Hydroinformatics, Workflow development, Participatory decision making, Cloud computing