×C3. Innovative tools to support modelling

Models are a key provider of evidence for decision making in diverse settings. These decisions have become increasingly more complex, spanning multiple problem domains and disciplines. To keep pace with this changing decision-making landscape, modelling has evolved to become more inter-disciplinary and, inevitably, more complex.

As IT and cloud infrastructure has improved, projects have expanded to need many more simulations and the analysis of the aggregate of all the simulation results has become challenging. The development of models has increasingly become more of a group or community activity that is geographically dispersed. This has created additional challenges with coding standards, testing and documentation.

All these evolutions mean that better tools are needed to support the models and their users. We are seeking submissions that describe innovative, but tested, solutions as well as wished-for ideas for addressing questions such as:

Note that this session does not seek submissions that are descriptions of new models or applications of models but rather the tools and other supports around models.

Key topics: Visualisation, Workflow, Model integration, Model testing