Over the last two decades different strands of ecohydrological modelling have been developed, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, applications of Ecohydrological modelling exist around bush fire management, vegetation competition, irrigation and drainage, mine rehabilitation and riparian vegetation management. In this session we want to map out the key directions that ecohydrological modelling has taken and the fields in which ecohydrology delivers practical solutions. Some of the key questions this session seeks to answer
1) How do we manage data limitations in relation to model simplifications;
2) what is the role of reduced dimensionality in ecohydrological modelling and does this limit practical applications; and finally
3) how can the different modelling directions strengthen the overall understanding of the water-landscape-energy nexus.
Finally this session is seeking to identify how the different strands of ecohydrological modelling can be reintegrated to strengthen the overall discipline and deliver practical solutions for landscape management