L10. Modelling human-induced land subsidence

Men-induced lowering of the land surface by some mm/yr until several cm/yr is worldwide occurring and can be driven by different causes. Among others, extraction of fluids (water, gas, oil) from sub-soil aquifers, drainage of organic soils, peat-harvesting, land reclamation and mining activities are driving forces for different subsidence mechanisms. In coastal regions such an amount of land subsidence provides the largest contribution to the observed relative sea level rise, with strong potential impacts in the decades to come in terms of flooding frequency and saltwater intrusion. In inland zones the consequences can strongly impact on structure/infrastructure functioning and stability. Modelling land subsidence by advanced numerical simulators as well as by more simple empirical relationships represents the only way to quantify the expected trends and to forecast adaptations of human activities for a sustainable and safe use of natural resources. We invite contributions exploring the development of state of the art models and/or their application in regional or local case studies.