UNESCO's International Hydrological Program (IHP) has been promoting Ecohydrology as a well established discipline that operates on three guiding principles. These are to:
There is a general acceptance that ecohydrology is based on a broad systems approach encompassing many elements that surround the science of ecology and hydrology. An evaluation is required before the remedial action required to improve the ecosystem within a well defined geographic area is undertaken. Stakeholder involvement is encouraged within the ecohydrology framework.
Given these guiding principles it would seem that the disciple of mathematical modelling has a lot to offer to ecohydrology. Like ecohydrology, the focus in modelling is on marginal changes to an existing situation. In addition, while drawing from normative principles (on what ought to happen) modelling, like ecohydrology, is essentially a positivist science centred on what has and could happen. Furthermore, there is the desire in ecohydrology to develop modelling tools to aid policy makers in managing systems in an optimal manner.
The key objective of this session is to bring together mathematical modelling tools to inform and support water managers and planners in making integrated water resource management decisions using ecohydrology approach. Papers aimed at crossing boundaries across disciplines such as water systems, economics and social science to promote integration to develop software tools for solving real problems as welcome.